What is the difference between subfascial and dual plane breast augmentation?

What is the difference between subfascial and dual plane breast augmentation?

For more, please call (248) 799-2880 or visit https://chauplasticsurgery.com/subfascial-breast-augmentation/

Chau Plastic Surgery
27901 Woodward Avenue
Suite 100
Berkley, MI 48072
(248) 799-2880

👨‍⚕️ Dr. Bruce Chau⁠
📱 @chauplasticsurgery⁠
👨‍⚕️ Dr. Barak Tanzman⁠
📱 @beautybydrtanzman⁠
🏥 Board Certified Plastic Surgeons⠀⁠⠀⁠
🥼 Jennifer Chau, RN BSN⁠
📱@rejuvenatewithrnjen ⁠
🏥 Aesthetic Nurse Injector ⠀⁠
‭💻 chauplasticsurgery.com⁠⠀⁠
☎️ (248) 799-2880⁠
📍 Metro Detroit, MI⁠

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