Birmingham Tummy Tuck
Serving Birmingham, Metro Detroit & Michigan For Over 30 Years
At Chau Plastic Surgery. we strive to provide you with the best results. We will take the time to discuss all the options available to you so you can make an informed decision that best fits with your goals.
FAQs: Tummy Tuck
Tummy Tuck – Birmingham, Michigan
A tummy tuck (aka an abdominoplasty) is a plastic surgery procedure that helps improve the appearance of the abdominal area. At Chau Plastic Surgery, highly skilled, board-certified surgeons perform full and mini tummy tucks in the Metro Detroit Area near Birmingham, Michigan. The type of tummy tuck our surgeons recommend depends on a patient’s overall goals.
A Full Tummy Tuck Near Birmingham, Michigan
A full abdominoplasty is ideal for people with a significant amount of fat and excess skin in their upper and lower abdomen. During this procedure, our plastic surgeons can also address abdominal muscles that are weak or separated.
A full tummy tuck is ideal for those who have lost a substantial amount of weight and for women who have experienced several pregnancies resulting in separated abdominal muscles and sagging skin.
If necessary, during a full abdominoplasty, our plastic surgery specialists can reposition the patient’s navel.
A Mini Tummy Tuck
A mini tummy tuck (aka a modified or partial abdominoplasty) is less invasive, focusing primarily on the section of the abdomen beneath the navel. So, this procedure is best for people who are close to their ideal body weight, and just have a minimal amount of fat, lax skin and muscle separation below their belly button.
Our surgeons create the incision for a partial abdominoplasty just above the pubic area. This incision isn’t as long as is necessary for the full abdominoplasty.
What Causes a Protruding or Sagging Abdominal Area?
There are numerous reasons why a sagging, loose or protruding abdominal area develops.
Some of the most common reasons people develop a loose and sagging abdomen are:
- Genetics.
- Poor skin elasticity due to the natural aging process.
- Weight fluctuations.
- Significant weight loss through the implementation of a healthy diet and exercise regimen.
- Substantial weight loss following bariatric surgery or medication use (e.g., Ozempic, Semaglutide or Wegovy).
- Pregnancy.
What Causes the Abdominal Muscles to Stretch or Separate?
Pregnancy, heavy lifting, obesity and exercises placing excessive strain on the muscles in the abdomen can cause them to weaken or become stretched. As time passes, these muscles can separate (i.e., diastasis recti).
Once the abdominal muscles weaken or separate, the stomach area may begin to protrude. An individual may also experience pelvic floor dysfunction and back pain.
Who Should Consider a Tummy Tuck Near Birmingham, Michigan?
A person who wants to have an abdominoplasty should be at least 21.
People who plan on losing weight need to reach their weight-loss goals and have the ability to maintain this weight before they have an abdominoplasty near Birmingham, Michigan.
Since an abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure, potential patients must be in good general health. Ideally, they won’t have any medical conditions (e.g., diabetes). Nonetheless, if a potential patient does have a medical condition, their surgeon may ask them to visit their general practitioner to receive clearance for surgery.
For long-lasting results, women mustn’t intend to become pregnant at any point in the future.
How Soon After Pregnancy Can a Woman Have a Tummy Tuck?
Women must wait at least six months after they deliver their baby to have an abdominoplasty near Birmingham, Michigan. Waiting this length of time is crucial because it allows the body to recover following childbirth.
In addition, to avoid concerns about the transfer of anesthetic or pain medications into breast milk, mothers should wait until they have completed breastfeeding to have their abdominoplasty.
How Long Do Tummy Tuck Results Last?
The results of an abdominoplasty are considered permanent. However, there are issues that can negatively affect these results. For example, gaining a significant amount of weight, becoming pregnant or losing a substantial amount of weight can change the appearance of the abdomen. The best way to ensure abdominoplasty results last is by exercising regularly, eating healthy and preventing pregnancy.
A Tummy Tuck Consultation
During this consultation, patients must inform their plastic surgery specialist about any medical conditions they have. If they’ve previously had surgical procedures or medical treatments, the surgeon needs to know.
Patients must inform their surgeon if they take medications, herbal supplements and vitamins because, for safety’s sake, some of these products are discontinued or decreased for 10 days before surgery. Nevertheless, patients must never decrease their dose or stop taking a prescription medication without first receiving permission from their physician.
If a patient participates in recreational drug use or drinks alcoholic beverages regularly, their plastic surgery specialist needs to know. These activities could interact with the medications patients receive during and after their surgery.
Patients taking oral contraceptives should stop taking them for at least a month before their tummy tuck. These medications can increase the risk of developing blood clots.
Our surgeon or a team member may take photos of the abdominal area. These photos are confidential because they are part of the medical file. They help our surgeons as they create the patient’s surgical plan and also provide a way for patients to compare their abdominal area before and after their surgery.
Before surgery, patients need to be emotionally and mentally stable with a support system to help them during recovery. They must also have realistic expectations about what an abdominoplasty can accomplish for them.
People who smoke should quit smoking at least three weeks before and three weeks after their tummy tuck near Birmingham, Michigan. Following this recommendation is vital because the nicotine in tobacco interferes with the body’s ability to heal itself. Thus, making it more likely for an individual to experience complications during recovery (e.g., open wounds, necrosis and infection).
Although an abdominoplasty doesn’t specifically address stretch marks, any marks that fall within the section of skin the plastic surgery specialist removes are gone.
After determining which abdominoplasty procedure will meet a patient’s goals, their Chau Plastic Surgery specialist creates them a customized treatment plan.
On the Day of Surgery, Patients Need a Driver
Since patients receive sedation during their procedure, they are unable to drive themselves home. Therefore, patients must bring a driver with them on the day of their tummy tuck. In addition, the plastic surgery specialists at Chau Plastic Surgery ask their patients to have someone remain with them for at least 24 hours after their surgery.
For-Hire Transportation
To ensure patients’ safety, the plastic surgeon specialists at Chau Plastic Surgery don’t permit them to use for-hire transportation after procedures that require sedation or anesthesia. Consequently, patients who arrive at the hospital without a driver on the day of their abdominoplasty will need to reschedule their surgery.
A Tummy Tuck Near Birmingham, Michigan
Patients who need to have presurgical lab tests must complete them at least a week before their abdominoplasty. This gives the surgeon enough time to receive the results and review them.
The night before surgery, patients must fast for at least eight hours.
The specialists at Chau Plastic Surgery request that patients arrive at the hospital 15 minutes before their scheduled appointment. This provides enough time for the patient to check in, fill out necessary paperwork and address any unforeseen issues.
Patients need to bring their driver’s license or state ID, health insurance card and a form of payment with them to the hospital. However, patients should leave their valuables at home (e.g., jewelry). In addition, patients should wear loose clothing and slip-on shoes.
What to Expect During an Abdominoplasty Near Birmingham, Michigan
To ensure that patients remain comfortable throughout their abdominal procedure, they receive medication. Options include general anesthesia or intravenous sedation.
A Mini Tummy Tuck Near Birmingham, Michigan
While performing a partial abdominoplasty, the surgeon creates a relatively short incision directly above the pubic area. By creating the incision in this area, the resulting scar is easily hidden by bikini bottoms and undergarments.
The surgeon removes the loose skin and excess fat from the lower section of the abdomen. If necessary, our plastic surgeon can also tighten the patient’s abdominal muscles.
During a partial abdominoplasty, the surgeon doesn’t usually need to reposition the navel.
Our plastic surgery specialist closes the incision using sutures, tape, clips, skin adhesives or a combination of these products.
After a modified abdominoplasty, the patient enjoys a smoother, flatter lower abdomen.
A Full Tummy Tuck Near Birmingham, Michigan
During a full abdominoplasty, the plastic surgeon creates a horizontally oriented incision just above the pubic bone. Sometimes, this incision extends from hip to hip. The length and shape of the patient’s incision depend on the amount of excess skin the surgeon needs to remove.
The patient’s surgeon lifts the abdominal skin, removes excess fat and repairs weak or separated abdominal muscles.
Then, our plastic surgeon specialist pulls down the excess abdominal skin, a movement similar to that of lowering a window shade. They carefully trim away the excess skin before closing the incision. As experienced tummy tuck surgeons, they know how much excess skin they can remove to provide the flat, smooth and beautifully contoured abdomen their patients desire.
When the patient has excess skin and fat in the upper abdomen, the surgeon creates an incision around the navel.
If a plastic surgeon specialist removes a substantial amount of fat and skin from the upper abdomen, they may also need to reposition the navel.
To provide the patient with optimal results, a full abdominoplasty near Birmingham, Michigan, typically includes liposuction of the flanks and hips.
The patient’s plastic surgery specialist may use skin adhesives, clips, tapes, sutures or a combination of these products to close the incisions they make during a full abdominoplasty.
After a full tummy tuck, patients emerge with a flatter, smoother abdomen and a nicer silhouette.
The horizontal incisions that our plastic surgeons create during abdominoplasty procedures are created low enough to be hidden by the patient’s undergarments and bikini bottoms.
Directly After an Abdominoplasty Near Birmingham, Michigan
Patients do remain in the recovery area for observation. Once the surgeon is happy with their post-surgical progress, the surgeon releases them to their driver.
After surgery, tummy tuck patients may find it uncomfortable to stand up straight, so their surgeon might recommend that the patient stay bent over a bit for about five days after their surgery.
In addition, patients receive an abdominal pressure garment. They must wear this garment for several weeks because it keeps everything where it belongs as the body heals. It also minimizes inflammation and reduces the patient’s likelihood of developing blood clots.
If a patient receives drains, their surgeon removes them at Chau Plastic Surgery near Birmingham, Michigan, at some point between four days and two weeks of surgery.
Patients usually head home and spend the majority of the next 24 to 48 hours sleeping. However, our plastic surgery specialists encourage patients to walk around several times a day. This helps prevent blood clot development (i.e., a pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis).
It is crucial that patients give themselves the time they need to heal. Returning to activities too quickly can lead to healing problems, which increases the likelihood of an infection developing.
Tummy Tuck Results Near Birmingham, Michigan
Inflammation does inhibit the ability to see the full results of an abdominoplasty for some time. However, even with the swelling present, after their abdominoplasty, patients can expect to have a flatter, firmer abdominal area that is more proportional to their weight and body shape.
A partial abdominoplasty patient typically sees final results about six months after their surgery.
A full abdominoplasty patient usually sees their final results about six to 12 months after surgery.
What To Expect During Partial Abdominoplasty Recovery
Since a mini tummy tuck requires a smaller incision and less tissue manipulation, recovery time is relatively short.
Patients receive a compression garment to wear after surgery.
They can typically shower a day or two after their surgery. Patients can remove their compression garment to shower.
Patients who receive a partial abdominoplasty can usually return to work within two weeks of their surgery.
After six weeks, they can resume most of their normal activities. However, each patient is unique. So, their Chau Plastic Surgery specialist will provide them with specific guidelines to follow.
Recovering From a Full Tummy Tuck Near Birmingham, Michigan
The first two weeks of recovery:
During the first two weeks of recovery, patients have limited mobility.
They can also expect to experience inflammation, bruising and some pain.
Patients must avoid strenuous activity and heavy lifting during this phase of recovery.
Most abdominoplasty patients need someone to help them with their daily activities.
Patients who have a full abdominoplasty with muscle repair can generally drive within a week of their procedure. However, a patient’s healing ability and pain tolerance affect how much pain they will experience and how long it will last. Our plastic surgeons work with patients to help them manage their pain.
Some patients receive prescription pain medication. These patients must refrain from driving until they no longer need prescription pain medication.
Weeks three and four:
Once patients reach weeks three and four, they start to feel more like themselves.
Patients who don’t have physically demanding jobs may be able to return to work.
During this stage of recovery, our plastic surgeons encourage their abdominoplasty patients to continue taking short walks. However, they must still refrain from strenuous activities and heavy lifting.
Weeks five and six:
At weeks five and six, patients typically see a significant amount of improvement.
They may be able to begin incorporating light exercises and more activities into their daily lives.
Sexual activity can usually resume six weeks after a tummy tuck. However, patients need to ask their surgeon about resuming these activities before they do.
Weeks seven and eight:
Once a patient reaches weeks seven and eight, they are usually able to resume most of their normal daily activities.
In addition, by the time an abdominoplasty patient reaches eight weeks post-op, approximately 80% of their inflammation has diminished.
Six to 12 months following a full abdominoplasty:
Once a patient reaches this stage of recovery, their inflammation has subsided and their scars are less noticeable. Their final tummy tuck results have become apparent.
Of course, since every patient is unique, this is just a general recovery timeline.
To heal properly and help prevent complications (e.g., an infection), patients need to attend their post-surgical appointments and follow the instructions they receive from their plastic surgery specialist.
What Patients Need To Know About Scarring
As long as the abdominoplasty patient follows their plastic surgeon’s recommendations, with time, the resulting scar should fade substantially.
Exposing surgical incisions to UV light while they are still pink can cause them to darken. This darkening is typically permanent, making them more visible, indefinitely.
Chau Plastic Surgery specialists may recommend that their patients use silicone scar strips or a scar cream. These products can reduce the visibility and improve the texture of tummy tuck scars.
Risks Associated With Tummy Tuck Procedures
Every surgery have risks and the potential for complications. However, choosing a board-certified, experienced plastic surgeon to perform your abdominoplasty is the best way to reduce the likelihood of a complication.
Some of the risks and complications associated with abdominoplasties are:
- Infection.
- Excessive bleeding.
- Slow healing.
- Numbness.
- Blood clots.
- Highly visible scarring.
How Much Will an Abdominoplasty Near Birmingham, Michigan, Cost?
Every patient is unique. Therefore, to learn how much a tummy tuck costs, a potential patient must schedule an initial consultation with a plastic surgery specialist at Chau Plastic Surgery near Birmingham, Michigan.
Will Health Insurance Cover a Tummy Tuck?
Since an abdominoplasty is a cosmetic procedure, health insurance doesn’t cover it. However, there are times when insurance covers a procedure that is similar to an abdominoplasty, the panniculectomy. A panniculectomy involves removing the excess skin that remains following substantial weight loss. However, to have insurance cover this procedure, a doctor must deem it as medically necessary.
Why People Choose Chau Plastic Surgery
Our plastic surgery specialists’ experience, skill and artistic vision make them top board-certified plastic surgeons in the Metro Detroit Area. Their caring demeanor and custom-designed treatment plans ensure that each patient receives the high-quality care they deserve.
If you’re in the Detroit Metro Area and considering tummy tuck surgery, please contact Chau Plastic Surgery at (248) 799-2880 to schedule your initial consultation today. Chau Plastic Surgery’s address is 27901 Woodward Avenue, Ste 100, in Berkley, Michigan.