With the popularity of websites like Etsy and Instructables and shows like Fixer Upper, the do-it-yourself, or “DIY,” movement shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, no matter what you want to do, chances are there’s a YouTube video tutorial to show you how. But while redoing your own kitchen or knitting your own scarf can be a lot … Read More
Belt Lipectomy and Abdominoplasty: Different Procedures for Different Needs
If you are struggling with stubborn excess skin or fat around your abdomen, you may be at your wits’ end trying to figure out how to get rid of it. Thankfully, there are several surgical options that can help you remove this unwanted skin and fat and end the struggle once and for all. But how do you know which … Read More
Before and After Photos Spark Lawsuit
For some patients, one of the most nerve-wracking parts of the plastic surgery journey is the before-and-after photos that are taken at their surgeon’s office. Many find being photographed nude or semi-nude embarrassing or scary. Surgeons are required to provide consent forms stating what the photos will be used for, and patients then have the option of allowing the surgeon … Read More
Woman in Coma Following Plastic Surgery Procedure with Unlicensed Practitioner
It’s safe to say that in the United States, people have a fascination with plastic surgery mishaps, as evidenced by the popularity of TV shows like the E! Network’s Botched. But while most cases on Botched can be fixed, and with beautiful results, not all bungled surgeries have such happy endings. Such is the case of a woman in Nanning, Guangxi, … Read More
Sending Selfies Could Help Prevent Plastic Surgery Disasters
Love them or hate them, those auspiciously angled self-portraits known as “selfies” are here to stay. Typically taken on a smartphone and then plastered on social media sites like Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook, selfies run the gamut from just plain vain to endearing, depending on who you ask. But now these popular photos are being used for more than just … Read More