With summer in full swing and people everywhere heading outdoors to bask in the summer sunshine, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has declared July “UV Safety Month.” UV, or ultraviolet, rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation that is emitted by everything from welding torches to tanning beds to – you guessed it – the sun. In … Read More
May Is Skin Cancer Awareness Month
Pop quiz: What is the most common form of cancer in the United States? If you guessed skin cancer, you are correct. With over 5.4 million cases diagnosed each year, the numbers paint a grim picture. But despite these startling statistics, did you know that skin cancer is also the most treatable and the most preventable form of cancer, … Read More
Plastic Surgery Can Help Heal Old Wounds
Since its inception, plastic surgery has earned a reputation as being a glamorous, but in some cases unnecessary, form of surgery. But while it is true that the field became a household name by being associated with socialites and celebrities, the procedures themselves are often more necessary than most people realize – even for elective surgeries. After all, an abdominoplasty … Read More