West Bloomfield Breast Augmentation

Serving West Bloomfield, Metro Detroit & Michigan For Over 30 Years

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    West Bloomfield Breast Augmentation Specialists

    Plastic surgeons use augmentation mammoplasty (aka breast augmentation, breast aug and breast implant surgery) to enhance the breasts. The surgeons at Chau Plastic Surgery help women meet their aesthetic goals by harvesting and injecting fat into their breasts and by placing implants to improve the shape and increase the size of their breasts.

    Breast Augmentation Near West Bloomfield, Michigan

    Breast implants come in various sizes, shapes, textures and profiles. During their initial consultation, patients speak with their surgeon about what they would like to accomplish with their breast enhancement surgery.

    Once the surgeon knows the patient’s goals, the specialist recommends which procedure they believe will serve her best. If a patient only wants to slightly increase the size of her breasts or improve their shape, the surgeon may recommend a fat transfer breast augmentation instead.

    What Benefits Does Breast Augmentation With Implants Near West Bloomfield, Michigan, Offer?

    Women who want more volume and shapelier breasts may be good candidates for breast augmentation with implants.

    An augmentation mammoplasty with implants can:

    • Increase the size and improve the shape of the breasts following weight loss, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
    • Make uneven breasts more symmetrical.
    • Enhance breast cleavage.
    • Restore the balance between the breasts and the lower section of the body.

    Potential Benefits of Autologous Fat Transfer for Breast Enhancement

    A woman who would like to slightly increase the size of her breasts (up to one cup) and improve their shape may be a viable candidate for a fat transfer breast augmentation near West Bloomfield, Michigan.

    Women who have this type of augmentation mammoplasty receive liposuction to remove excess fat from other areas of the body (e.g., the abdomen, hips and thighs). After purifying the fat they harvest, the surgeon strategically injects it into the patient’s breasts.

    Who Should Consider Having Breast Augmentation?

    Potential candidates should be nonsmokers who live a healthy lifestyle and are in good health. Ideally, our surgeons would like a patient’s weight to fall within the normal BMI range for her height. In addition, their breasts must have stopped growing.

    To meet FDA guidelines, the patient must be at least 18 to receive saline implants or 22 to receive silicone implants.

    Women who may benefit from breast enhancement surgery with implants are those who have:

    • Deflated-looking breasts.
    • Limited breast tissue (i.e., small breasts).
    • Uneven breasts.
    • Poorly shaped or tubular breasts.

    People should never have plastic surgery to please someone else. Therefore, the decision to have breast enhancement surgery should be a personal one.

    Patients who would like their breasts to appear voluminous and more youthful may need to have a combination breast augmentation with a lift.

    Breast Implant Options for Augmentation Mammoplasty

    Silicone and saline breast implants are available at Chau Plastic
    Surgery near West Bloomfield, Michigan.

    The Saline Implant

    The saline implant has a silicone shell. The shell arrives empty. After placing it, the surgeon fills it with saline (i.e., sterile salt water). One benefit of a saline implant is that the surgeon can create a shorter incision than is possible with its silicone counterpart. However, some believe the silicone implant provides a more natural look and feel.

    Silicone Breast Implants

    The manufacturer fills these shells with cohesive silicone gel. When these implants arrive, they are ready for the surgeon to place. The cohesiveness (i.e., gumminess) of silicone implants varies. The cohesive gel implant isn’t as gummy as the form-stable (aka gummy bear) implant.

    Breast Implant Sizes for Breast Augmentation

    The amount of silicone or saline (in CCs) inside an implant’s shell determines its size.

    To decide how many CCs will fulfill a patient’s goals, their surgeon considers how much original breast tissue she has. The surgeon can then determine how many CCs of silicone or saline can provide her with the breast size she desires.

    Implant Shapes

    A breast implant can be round or teardrop-shaped.

    The Round Implant

    Round implants can be saline or silicone. They tend to make the breasts appear fuller. There are also higher profile options available with the round implant, which means the patient’s breasts can project forward more with a round implant than they can with a teardrop-shaped implant.

    Since a round implant is the same shape all over, there’s less concern about this type of implant rotating.

    Teardrop-Shaped Implants

    All teardrop-shaped breast implants consist of silicone gel. A teardrop-shaped implant allows the patient to add natural-looking volume to the upper and lower portions of her breasts.

    Surgeons must create a longer incision to place the teardrop-shaped implant. If this implant rotates, the patient needs to have a procedure to return it to its previous position. However, these implants are usually micro-textured, greatly reducing the likelihood that they will change position.

    Smooth and Textured Breast Implants

    The Smooth Implant

    Smooth implants have a silicone shell that’s shiny and slick. These implants don’t attach to the tissue the body creates around them. So, this implant moves around freely within its pocket, which may make the breasts appear more natural as the patient moves. However, a smooth implant can ripple. If this happens, it may become palpable or visible.

    A Textured Implant

    A textured implant’s shell is thicker and feels similar to soft sandpaper. This micro-textured outer surface makes it possible for the patient’s breast tissue to attach to the implant, which helps prevent movement. Additionally, since the silicone is thicker, this implant can hold a specific shape. Women who would like teardrop-shaped implants receive textured implants.

    Implant Profile Options

    An implant’s profile is its projection. The projection of the implant affects the way a patient’s breasts look from the side. Profile options range from low to extra high.

    Incision Options for Breast Augmentation Using Implants

    The type of incision our surgeon uses depends on which breast implant a patient is receiving. Silicone breast implants require a longer incision than saline breast implants.

    Periareolar Incision

    Surgeons create the periareolar incision (aka infra-areolar incision) on the edge of the border along the lower section of the nipple-areolar complex. Our specialists may use this incision when placing saline breast implants.

    Inframammary Incision

    The inframammary incision (aka submammary incision) allows surgeons to place a saline or silicone breast implant. They create this incision in the fold at the base of the breast.

    Transaxillary Incision

    Patients receiving saline breast implants may be good candidates for this incision. Surgeons make this incision in the underarm.

    Incisions: What Patients Need To Know

    To reduce the visibility of the scars from their incisions, patients must abide by their surgeon’s recommendations. For example, until their incisions heal completely, patients must refrain from exposing them to UV light. Exposing the incisions while they are still pink could cause them to darken. This darkening is permanent.

    Implant Placement Options

    Subglandular Placement

    The specialists at Chau Plastic Surgery can place a patient’s implants over her pectoral muscle but beneath her breast tissue (i.e., subglandular placement).

    Subfascial Placement

    This placement option involves the surgeon creating the pocket for an implant beneath the fascia. Using subfascial placement allows the patient to meet her aesthetic goals without going through a lengthy recovery.

    Submuscular Placement

    Our surgeons can also place breast implants beneath the tissue and pectoral muscle (i.e., submuscular placement).

    When determining implant placement, Chau Plastic Surgery’s specialists consider several factors. These factors include the type and size of the implants a patient will receive, the patient’s physique, lifestyle and the amount of breast tissue she has.

    A Breast Augmentation Consultation Near West Bloomfield, Michigan

    At this consultation, patients provide the plastic surgeon with their medical history.

    This information must include:

    • Current medications.
    • Vitamin and herbal supplement use.
    • Previous medical procedures.
    • History of breast cancer in their family.
    • Mammogram and breast biopsy results (if applicable).
    • Health conditions (e.g., high blood pressure).
    • Lifestyle choices (e.g., smoking, drinking alcohol and using recreational drugs).
    • Allergies to medication and latex.

    Please feel free to ask questions. Knowledge is power. Patients who know what to expect before, during and after surgery tend to feel less anxious about their upcoming procedure.

    Once our specialist knows what the patient wants to accomplish, the surgeon measures and examines her breasts. The surgeon also notes the quality of the skin on her breasts and the location of her nipple-areolar complexes. After gathering all this information, the specialist recommends a procedure that can help the patient reach her breast enhancement goals.

    If breast implant surgery is the best procedure for the patient, our plastic surgery specialist discusses the types of implants we offer, her incision options and placement locations. The surgeon and patient may also discuss results, potential risks and recovery.

    When the patient decides to move forward with her breast augmentation, the surgeon takes several photos of her breasts. These photographs are essential because the surgeon uses them for reference while creating the patient’s personalized breast enhancement surgery plan. They are also a great way to see the differences in the patient’s breasts once healing is complete.

    Preparing for Breast Augmentation Near West Bloomfield, Michigan

    Patients having presurgical labs done or receiving clearance for surgery must provide their surgeon with this information within seven days of surgery. That gives them the time they need to review the patient’s results.

    If a patient smokes, she must quit for at least three weeks before and three weeks after her breast enhancement surgery.

    Patients must inform their surgeon about all the products they take. Certain medications, herbs and vitamins can cause complications. Patients who take the products below must discontinue or decrease their dose for at least 10 days before and after surgery.

    Some of these products are:

    • Aspirin.
    • Blood thinners.
    • NSAIDs.
    • Ginseng.
    • Ginkgo.
    • Ephedra.
    • Valerian.
    • Kava.
    • Ginger.
    • Goldenseed.
    • Echinacea.
    • Feverfew.
    • St. John’s Wort.
    • Vitamin E.
    • Fish Oil.

    For safety’s sake, if a patient takes a prescription medication, she must receive approval from her doctor before decreasing or discontinuing her medication.

    Find a 24-hour Caregiver and Bring a Driver on the Day of Surgery

    During their breast augmentation, patients receive anesthesia. So, they must bring a driver with them on the day of surgery. In addition, our specialists ask patients to have someone stay with them for the 24 hours following surgery.

    If a patient arrives at the hospital without a driver, she must reschedule her breast enhancement procedure.

    A Personalized Breast Augmentation Near West Bloomfield, Michigan

    Breast Enhancement Surgery Using Implants: The Procedure

    A breast augmentation with implants takes about two hours. After surgery, patients spend about an hour in the recovery area.

    Pre-op Area

    While in this area, the patient’s surgeon visits her to answer any questions she still has. In addition, the surgeon may mark her breasts, essentially creating a guide to use during her breast augmentation procedure.

    The Surgical Suite

    1. Anesthesia

    Patients receive twilight or general anesthesia. These medications help patients remain comfortable during their breast enhancement with implants.

    2. The Incision: Periareolar, Inframammary or Transaxillary

    The surgeon gains access to the patient’s breast area by making an incision. The patient and specialist discuss the type of incision before surgery.

    3. Creating the Pocket and Placing the Implant

    The surgeon can create a subfascial, subglandular or submuscular pocket.

    The specialist places the shell of the saline implant in the pocket and then fills it or places the silicone implant within the pocket they create.

    4. Closing the Incisions

    Our specialists use a layering technique to close the breast tissue.

    They might use surgical tape, skin adhesives, sutures or a combination of these to close the skin incisions.

    5. Breast Wrapping and Support Bra Placement

    The nurses use gauze dressings to wrap the breasts. Once wrapping is complete, the patient receives an elastic bandage or support bra. Using this compression garment provides support for the breasts and helps reduce inflammation.

    6. Recovery Area

    After her breast augmentation and before being released to her driver, the patient stays in the recovery area for approximately an hour.

    Post-op Instructions

    The patient’s surgeon provides her with instructions to follow as she recovers. She may also receive information about the next appointment with her surgeon. This follow-up appointment will take place at Chau Plastic Surgery in Berkley, Michigan.

    A Breast Augmentation Using Implants: Results

    Patients will notice that their breasts are larger directly after their procedure. Due to swelling, the breasts may appear bigger than the patient expects. Nonetheless, as the inflammation subsides, patients will begin to see their breast augmentation results.

    What Are the Risks of Breast Augmentation Surgery With Implants?

    Every procedure has risks and the potential for complications.

    Some of the risks and potential complications are:

    • Bleeding.
    • Infection.
    • Open wounds.
    • Skin necrosis.
    • Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL).
    • A reaction to medication.
    • Sensation changes in the breast or nipple-areolar complex.
    • The need for additional surgery.
    • Implant complications (e.g., capsular contracture or rupture).

    Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Near West Bloomfield, Michigan

    During a fat transfer breast augmentation, the surgeon uses liposuction to remove excess fat from several areas of the body. Following purification, the surgeon strategically injects the fat cells into the patient’s breasts.

    The Pre-op Area

    While the patient is in pre-op, their surgeon answers last-minute questions and makes markings on the harvesting areas (e.g., hips, abdomen and flanks) and breasts.

    The Surgical Suite

    1. Anesthesia

    Breast augmentation patients receive general anesthesia or IV sedation.

    2. Harvesting Fat

    The surgeon uses liposuction to remove excess fat from several areas of the body.

    3. Fat Purification

    After harvesting the fat, the lab uses a centrifuge to separate the strongest cells for transfer.

    4. Purified Fat Injection

    Using special syringes, the surgeon carefully injects the patient’s purified fat into her breast tissue.

    Fat Transfer Augmentation Mammoplasty Results

    Patients see results directly after surgery. However, since the body absorbs some fat cells, she’ll see her final results within the six months after her fat transfer breast augmentation near West Bloomfield, Michigan. The patient’s results are permanent.

    What Are the Risks of Breast Enhancement Surgery With Fat Transfer?

    Fat transfer breast augmentation procedures have many of the same risks seen with an augmentation mammoplasty using implants. However, there are some that are unique to the fat transfer technique.

    Some potential risks associated with an augmentation mammoplasty using fat cells:

    • Bleeding.
    • Bruising.
    • Fat cell death.
    • Negative reaction to medications received during or after surgery.
    • Infection.
    • Noncancerous breast cysts.
    • Calcification in the breast.
    • Migration of fat cells.

    Will Insurance Cover Breast Augmentation?

    Breast augmentations are cosmetic procedures. So, insurance doesn’t cover them. However, Chau Plastic Surgery offers patients a way to apply for flexible financing.

    Women in the West Bloomfield, Michigan, area who are considering a breast augmentation should contact Chau Plastic Surgery today. Our plastic surgery specialists’ experience, artistic vision, caring demeanor and dedication to excellence make them top Metro Detroit Area plastic surgeons.

    If you want to learn more about breast augmentation procedures in the Metro Detroit Area, schedule your consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgery specialists today. To schedule your appointment, please call (248) 799-2880. The address for Chau Plastic Surgery is 27901 Woodward Ave, Ste 100, in Berkley, Michigan.



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